24 Costly Mistakes Overseas Owners Make
And How to Avoid All of Them! By Mike Bentley
Selling your Aussie property is something you will likely only do once or twice in your life. No wonder very few have any knowledge on how to do it, and why it so often costs them tens of thousands, and sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Download Your FREE guide now, and put more, much more, money in YOUR pocket, from your Australian property investments. Where it belongs. Not in the pockets of real estate agents through easy commissions.
"Over many years, I have seen most sellers make numerous mistakes when selling. There are 24 expensive and common mistakes I have identified. Most sellers make at least 4 or 5 of them!
And I devised a simple and low cost solution to avoid making these mistakes too which I explain in the final Chapter."
You took a lot of time before BUYING, now take some time before SELLING.

Get INSTANT access To This Exclusive FREE eBook Now By Mike Bentley
Here Is Just A Fraction Of What You Need to Know Before You Contact an Agent to Sell Your Property: (Below)

"Your tireless and good natured coordination of the whole process and its many aspects have been and continue to be invaluable, including putting us in touch with the relevant experts in the necessary fields and the friendly tips you are always ready and willing to offer"
"Michael, you are without doubt the best Australian property agent I have come across, and certainly the most honest agent I have ever dealt with"
"Thank you for your kind advice which has indeed been very useful Mike,...It's a treat to be talking to a pro who is neutral (vis a vis an agent or even the lawyer) and also in the know of everything, feel very lucky indeed."
Here Is Just A Fraction Of What You Need to Know Before You Contact an Agent to Sell Your Property
You’ll Discover in This Report:
The ‘method’ of selling overseas owners are being encouraged to use – that leaves real estate agents pocketing thousands in easy commissions
Why over one quarter of all homes in Australia offered for sale remain UNSOLD more than 6 months later - and how to avoid YOUR property being one of these
Who should you use to sell your property - the real estate agent who says they can sell your home for the highest price, the one with the lowest commission, your property manager, or someone else? Virtually every overseas owner is choosing the wrong agent, and it is costing them tens of thousands in lost profits
What you should do if a real estate agent says they have a data base of ready buyers – no advertising needed (this essential tip could save you a substantial sum)
This simple change in OPEN HOUSE days and times can boost the chances of getting a sale! This easy trick agents hate has been proven to increase your chance of a quick sale by over three times!
The ONLY person you should trust to give you an accurate appraisal of what your property is worth (and NO it is NOT your property manager!)
- And much more! There are 24 Common and Costly mistakes in this report you need to know about BEFORE appointing a selling agent for your Aussie property.
Several of them will make you, or save you, tens of thousands, and sometimes even hundreds of thousands of dollars.